Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Law Of Perspective: One Point Perspective

What is perspective? In art, it is the distance between the point on an object that is closest to you and the vanishing point at the horizon line. If you had a rectangular box and you put if flat on the ground, you would see that the surface closest to you seems bigger that the surface that is further, that is because you are now looking at the box in perspective.

One point perspective is the simplest of all perspective because there is only one vanishing point. Regardless of the position, the lines of the box will connect to only one vanishing point. Think of it as standing on a strait path and looking into the distance. The path will become more and more narrow the further you look.

Here is an example, my description is only so-so.

You see how the upper line of the box closest to you seems longer than the upper line furthest from you?

Here's that path I was talking about.

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